Residential lifts

Up to 1 m/s

Quick and easy installation

Up to 6 stops

Lifting solutions with maximum simplicity, increased speed and robustness


Product designed to adapt to the most demanding residential spaces, doubling the speed of elevators with the robustness and agility of lifts.

By managing to occupy the same spaces, they respond to the demands that a product for the residential market requires. They are comparable to traditional lifts, both in terms of comfort and performance.

Gearless TGR Residential

Powered by an electric traction system but with single-phase power, it is the most suitable lift for small spaces and where special installations are required.

Gearless GFR2 Residential

Our electric lift par excellence, taken to the minimum in its power requirements as it is driven by single-phase electricity, while meeting all customer requirements.

Gearless GFR2 Plus Residential

The big brother of our GF product range, aimed at the residential market. Also powered by single-phase power, but capable of lifting large loads at higher speeds.

Our Proyects

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