Interior lift

Integrated lifts
in your building

Qualified professionals
to make your projects viable

We create spaces in your building for the installation of the lift


When the solution is possible, we install your lift in the stairwell, breaking floor slabs, or carrying out the necessary works to solve the accessibility of the building.

We have specialists who study the feasibility of your installation and offer practical solutions for it, achieving integrated installations with the building.

If it is feasible, a project is carried out with a qualified architect to give the necessary legality to your project.

We offer customized products for the needs of each home or community with a low structural impact.


One option when installing an elevator in an existing building is to accommodate it in the STAIRWELL if there is sufficient space to install the lift within the stairwell itself without the need to modify the existing stairs.

There is the possibility of having to cut the stairs or the flight of stairs in order to obtain sufficient space for its installation.

If it is still not possible to obtain the necessary space, it is even possible to demolish the stairs themselves to install the lift in that space and create the new flights of stairs on the outside of the building. There is also the possibility of modifying the existing staircase by making new stairs with straight or curved layouts to create enough space to install the lift.


When the stairwell does not have sufficient dimensions to install an lift, the option of breaking the floor slab of the different floors of the building can be considered. In this case the landings of the stairs must have enough space for it.

The buildings that have large common areas or wide spaces of access to homes, allow the installation of the elevator only by breaking the existing floor slab in the different floors of the building.

Protected buildings

We install lifts in protected buildings following the instructions of the Commission for the Protection of Historical and Artistic Heritage in order to make the elimination of architectural barriers compatible with the maintenance of the protected values of the building.

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