Automatic Hidden Ramp

Lifting solutions with maximum simplicity


It is installed by means of a metal cassette, which contains all the mechanical and electrical elements, and is embedded in the upper part of the steps.

It can be hidden by the same existing material or even be concealed by a normal cleaning carpet.

It deploys automatically, does not require any special electrical installation and has a resistance of up to 250 kg.

The ramp can also be controlled from the mobile phone (app available on Google Play Store), as well as the gate if it is automated (app available on Google Play Store).



We are going to raise the most common doubts related to the implementation of accessibility ramps and we will try to resolve them as clearly and concisely as possible, although if you are looking for the best advice you can also contact our team of experts.

The installation of ramps must comply with the regulations of the Technical Building Code (CTE), which include requirements regarding the maximum slope of the ramp, which may not exceed 12º for exteriors or 10º in the case of an interior ramp, or the obligatory placement of handrails on slopes of more than 6%.

The automatic hidden ramps make it possible to save between one and two steps at the entrance of the entrance to the buildings, in an efficient, economical and, above all, aesthetic way, remaining hidden until it is necessary to use it.

It has control knobs on the nearest wall or a mobile application to fold or unfold the ramp in a matter of seconds.

Installation is simple and does not require any building work, and is carried out in two phases. The first consists of installing a collection box and, in the second phase, the electrical line is assembled.

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