Oficinas Centrales Madrid C/ Baños de Montemayor, 5 28005 - Madrid T.: +34 91 517 27 002.
Oficina Argelia Oficina nº1 25 Rue Chahid Arif Maamar - Chlef. 02000 T.: +213 552 16 71 13
Oficina Nueva York Guillermo Fabian USA INC 6800 Jericho Turn SYOSSET New York USA
Oficina Colombia Calle 44, No 80 – 28 Local 108 Medellín - Colombia T.: +57-4 411 6211
Oficina Venezuela C. A. Av. Este - Oeste N Local Galpón Río Neveri 2003 - Valencia -Venezuela T.: 02418384158
Oficina Perú Av. Santiago de Surco, 3803 Santiago de Surco. Lima 33. Perú T.: +51 448 88 48

List of national offices


Ascensores Excelsior is located mainly in the Community of Madrid, with around 2,000 m2 of offices and a factory in Toledo, with more than 20,000 m2.

We have a highly qualified team with great experience in the sector.


C/ Baños de Montemayor, 5, Local 3 28005 - Madrid T.: +34 91 517 27 00


Plaza del Encuentro, 3 28030 - Madrid T.: +34 91 517 97 36


C/ Julio Domingo, 35 28019 - Madrid T.: +34 91 460 22 01


C/ Pozuelo de Zarzón, 4-6 28005 - Madrid T.: +34 91 517 27 00

Show Room

Plaza del Encuentro, 3 28030 - Madrid T.: +34 91 517 97 36


C/ Antonia Lancha, 52 28019 - Madrid T.: +34 91 460 22 01


C/ Baños de Montemayor, 5, Local 1 28005 - Madrid T.: +34 901 444 555 T.: +34 91 385 84 94

Toledo Factory

C/ Lugo, 14 45220 - Yeles - Toledo T.: +34 91 517 03 22

Ciempozuelos Factory

C/ Tren de la Fresa, 8. Nave 1-2 28350 - Ciempozuelos - Madrid T.: +34 91 284 17 99

Fuenlabrada Factory

C/ Cincel, 9 Bis. 28947 - Fuenlabrada - Madrid T.: +34 91 284 16 50

List of international offices


Ascensores Excelsior has a surface area of more than 1,000 m2 of international offices, including commercial and administrative offices and innovative showroom stores.

As with our national presence, we have a highly qualified team with extensive experience in the sector.


Av. Santiago de Surco, 3803 (Ex. Tomás Marsano). Santiago de Surco. Lima 33. Perú T.: +51 448 88 48 peru@grupoexcelsior.com http://ascensoresexcelsior.com.pe

List of distributors


Our distributors are selected after an exhaustive market study, which gives our clientele the assurance that when contracting the services of any of them, they will receive the same quality and attention as if they were contracting directly with us.

Excelsior Elevators has exhaustively selected exclusive distributors in more than 30 countries.


Angola Libia Camerún MauritaniaArgelia
Egipto Nigeria El Congo Senegal Guinea Ecuatorial
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Bolivia Chile Costa Rica República Dominicana Ecuador
Paraguay Colombia Estados UnidosVenezuela México
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Arabia Saudí Barheim Dubai India Irak Israel
Kuwait Pakistán Palestina Rusia Irán Jordania
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Albania Francia Grecia Italia Croacia
Malta Polonia Portugal Reino Unido
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